Yellow male born 4/4/2016 with excellent pedigree. Just about ready to run derbies. Can run seniors with a little more exposure to hunt tests. Ready to hunt now. Zip is a very good looking dog with a loving demeanor, runs with style and has excellent balance. We were hoping we might have more time to compete with him when he was ready to run, but we can't give him the time he deserves right now. Been trained for field trials from 8 weeks old. EIC/CNM clear. See Zip's page for more pictures, description and pedigree, and feel free to call or email for more information. Some videos on instagram page under stonebrook retrievers.
Stonebrook's Top Gun Tex
Tex is now living the life with Jeff in Iowa as a competitor, hunter and best buddy. Exciting times ahead for these two!
DOB: 5/12/2014 Hips: LR-222137G26M-VPI Elbows: LR-EL74084M26-VPI Eyes: Cerf Clear EIC/CNM: Clear/Clear Possibly chocolate factored. Semen tested, results showed it to be of excellent quality.
Sire: FC AFC Esprit's Power Play Dam: HRCH KR's Texas Jessie Andrews Click here for pedigree
"Tex" is a 2 year old finished yellow male from our first Jessie x Pow breeding. He would make a great hunting partner, and a fun dog to compete with in the offseason. Tex can do multiple retrieves, handles well on blinds and has been trained to the finished level. Excellent pedigree (sire is one of the top Field Trial producers of the past 2 decades), and a great all around dog - love everything about him, but we are forced to sell him at this time. Please call or email for more information.
Buzz is now living the life with one of the top Field Trial amateurs in Europe!
Sire: FC AFC Tealcreek Patton's Saber Dam: Revitt Up's Freedom Fighter Click here for pedigree
DOB: 11/2/2015 Hips: vet checked and good at this time. EIC/CNM: Clear/Clear Chocolate factored.
"Buzz" is a 1 year old started black male from our Jet x Saber breeding. He'd be able to help you get your birds this season, and become a seasoned retriever by next season. Buzz has his basic obedience, is force fetched, collar conditioned, and has been trained to the started level. Excellent pedigree (sire is one of the few competitors to ever eclipse the 200 All-Age point mark), and would be a great dog for an active family. Really great young dog, but circumstances are forcing us to sell him at this time. Please call or email for more information.